Update on the Save our iMfolozi Wilderness Campaign


Protest outside DMR office, DBN -April 2016 – Photo by Rob Symons


I am sure most keen supporters of the Save our iMfolozi Wilderness Campaign have been wondering what has been happening since April this year, when there was a flurry of activity around the visit of  the Regional Mining Development And Environmental Committee (RMDC), to Fuleni. That series of events was covered in the following posts on our website.

GET Fuleni submissions to RMDEC

Communities prevent mining site visit

Since that point in time there has been an eerie silence from Ibutho Coal and the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR).

Much of the campaign’s attention during this time has been devoted to support of the communities of Fuleni and Somkhele.

The current EIA has now lapsed and in addition the Mining License application has also lapsed in January this year.
As far as the Attorney representing the campaign, Kirsten Youens is aware, no further application has been submitted. The DMR has not been forthcoming in this regard despite multiple attempts at communication from our legal team.

[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/globalenvironmentaltrust.org/uc?id=0B2Sma3ZszxtoVUxEM25RZXhJVWEtNjNCeEFSRDd2RFpzLU5n&export=download” title=”GET Fuleni letter to DMR 1SEPT2016v2.pdf” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_12_pdf_list.png” style=”download”]

There has been no consultation with the communities and other interested and affected parties.

Reproduced below is the email correspondence between Kirsten Youens and Marietjie Eksteen of Jacana Environmentals cc on this matter.

Kirsten email

Maritjie email


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